The Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary: Z-words
Do you wonder where your co-workers picked up all the ridiculous things they say? From fresh-faced interns to top management, everyone drops one of these gems occasionally. We can only hope that you're not here to actually add buzzwords to your vocabulary.
Zero cycles [adj.]
Lacking the free time for any additional tasks. "It comes down to bandwidth. I have zero cycles for any of this." Suggested by Wolfie.
Zero time [n.]
The duration of tasks that management considers insignificant and so shouldn't impact your productivity when assigned en masse. Logging in takes zero time; filling out a requisition form takes zero time; A "brief weekly update" meeting takes zero time. Suggested by Mad Casual.
Zero-sum game [n.]
A situation where if one person wins, someone else must lose.
Zero-zero split [n.]
The opportunity to waste time when working on two projects simultaneously by telling one boss that you're busy with the other.
Zerotasking [v.]
Doing nothing.
Zombie project [n.]
A project that keeps coming back to life no matter how many times that it's terminated. Suggested by Greg.