The Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary: K-words

Do you wonder where your co-workers picked up all the ridiculous things they say? From fresh-faced interns to top management, everyone drops one of these gems occasionally. We can only hope that you're not here to actually add buzzwords to your vocabulary.

Kabuki Dance [n.]An elaborate display with no real substance; an artful deception. Currently making the transition from pompous political jargon to pompous corporate jargon. "Can you believe the Kabuki Dance they're calling journalism these days?"
Suggested by Crazy Renee.
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Keep your powder dry [v.]To hold back capital or information for use at a later date. "I want to keep our powder dry here; don't mention the foreign accounts unless they ask."
Suggested by Crazy Renee.
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Keepage [n.]The opposite of garbage.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Keyboard plaque [n.]The collection of greasy dirt that builds up on keyboards.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter

Kicker [n.]Something added to a deal to make it more attractive.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Kicking goals [exp.]Borrowed from Aussie Rules football, this expression refers to the achievement of good results, especially in reference to sales. "OK boys, it's time to get busy on the phones and start kicking goals."
Suggested by Kevin T.
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Kid gloves [exp.]Handled with care and delicacy. "This is a sensitive topic so you better get out the kid gloves."
Suggested by Sarah.
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Killer app [n.]Originally referred to a software company's flagship product that solves a large and profitable problem. Non-tech firms have adopted the term, and it's getting uncomfortable. "Affordable container shipping is our killer app."Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Kilting [v.]To make preparations for the Scottish market.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Knot up [v.]To don a tie for a particular meeting or presentation. "Clients are here in 10… time to knot up, boys."
Suggested by Mike R.
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Knowledge density [n.]A vague measure of expertise. "Sorry, I don't have the knowledge density to address that" = I have no clue.
Suggested by Chris S.
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Knowledge growth [n.]The amount learned in a given period of time. "This roleplaying exercise should capture your knowledge growth."
Suggested by Rob A.
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Kowtow [v.]To defer to or pamper.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
KT [n.]Knowledge Transfer. The exchange of information between outgoing employees and their eager replacements. "We had better schedule some KT before half our trade secrets walk out the door.
Suggested by Roy S.
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Kudos [n.]Congratulations.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Kumbaya [adj.]Saccharine and non-confrontational. Peace, love, harmony, etc. "I don't have time for this kumbaya bullshit."Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter