The Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary: E-words

Do you wonder where your co-workers picked up all the ridiculous things they say? From fresh-faced interns to top management, everyone drops one of these gems occasionally. We can only hope that you're not here to actually add buzzwords to your vocabulary.

Ear candy [n.]Flattery.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Eat a reality sandwich [exp.]Necessary when someone's ideas are completely inappropriate for the given situation. "I can't believe you said that to the committee. You better eat a reality sandwich before you walk back in that boardroom."Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Eat drink sleep [v.]Complete and total dedication to a role. "…but my real passion is market segmentation. I eat drink and sleep analytics."Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Eat the elephant one bite at a time [exp.]A reminder that even the largest problems can be solved by breaking them down into manageable bits. "Elephant in the room? One bite at a time, love."
Suggested by Kelly G.
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Eat the frog [v.]To complete an unpleasant job that has been well procrastinated. "Just eat the frog and get on with it!"
Suggested by Emma-Dawn L.
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Econometrics [n.]Marketed by consultants as a super scientific financial modeling exercise. Reality: Plugging three numbers into a pre-made spreadsheet.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Economical with the truth [adj.]An aggravating euphemism for lying. "My esteemed colleague may not in fact realize he is being economical with the truth!!"Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Ego surfing [v.]Searching the web for references to oneself.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Eighty-six [v.]To dispose of. "We have to eighty-six these documents or we'll all be crucified."Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Elephants [n.]Large investment groups that tend to move together.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Eleventh hour [exp.]The last moment.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Empty suits [n.]Unthinking middle management.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Enail [n.]An email sent for the sole purpose of making a point in writing, usually at another person's expense. Most effective when cc'ed to as many senior people as possible.
Suggested by Ian C.
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Enculturate [v.]To make something part of daily office life.
Suggested by Mike B.
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Enthuse [v.]To inspire enthusiasm (or attempt to). "I'm still looking for a way to enthuse the new hires."
Suggested by Andy P.
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Entremanure [n.]A self-employed risk taker that can't catch a break. Everything he touches turns to shit.
Suggested by Erin S.
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EPON [n.]Endless Pit Of Need. A colleague who continually seeks support for their ongoing personal and professional problems.
Suggested by M. Schroeder.
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Evangelize [v.]To promote a product with the enthusiasm of a true believer. "We need distributors to evangelize the new line to local markets."
Suggested by Nicky T.
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Even dead cats bounce [exp.]Even worthless things can rise in value again.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Exploding offer [n.]A job offer that expires after a certain date.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Extract the max [v.]To achieve the highest level of productivity possible while directing a group of people. "I hope my management style will extract the max from each and every one of you."Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Extrapediately [adv.]Faster than ASAP and quicker than STAT, this made-up word is saved for when a task must be completed almost instantly.
Suggested by CM & JC.
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Extraview [n.]A second interview you feel obliged to hold even though the position has already been filled. Can also be scheduled when the candidate is just so damn hot.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter