The Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary: U-words

Do you wonder where your co-workers picked up all the ridiculous things they say? From fresh-faced interns to top management, everyone drops one of these gems occasionally. We can only hope that you're not here to actually add buzzwords to your vocabulary.

Uber [adj.]This borrowed German word emphasizes any adjective that it appears before. It's also a great way to sound like your teenage daughter. "I am uber-tired today; I'm going to spend the rest of the day working from home."
Suggested by Dave A.
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Unbundling [v.]To break a service package into smaller, targeted pieces. "Our platform drives an opportunityscape for creative unbundling."Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Undertooled [adj.]Lacking the tools necessary to complete a task. "I need more training; I'm completely undertooled to operate this."Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Unknown unknown [n.]The most dangerous of business uncertainties. "I know about the known unknowns. It's the unknown unknowns that keep me up at night."
Suggested by Chris P.
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Unpack [v.]To explore or examine in detail. "I think that we need to really unpack this concept before we pursue the idea further."
Suggested by Melissa.
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Unscrew [v.]The actions required to reverse the harm caused by previous incompetent management. "I'm not sure how we're going to unscrew things with the shareholders."
Suggested by Lance S.
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Up sticks [v.]To close a location and move. "If your team can't deliver growth next quarter, we'll up sticks and relocate the whole division."Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Up the pitch [v.]To increase the intensity of an argument. "Don't pivot off-message… up the pitch!"Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Upfeed [v.]Passing along key information to a superior. "Just put it in your report and I'll catch it on the upfeed."Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Upshot [n.]An advantage or benefit. "The upshot of this escalation strategy will be a 50% increase in our small arms production."
Suggested by Heywood J.
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Upside [n.]Potential for a positive financial outcome. "Stop mumbling about ethics and think about the upside. It's bonus season."
Suggested by Lee B.
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Upskill [v.]To self-improve.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter
Upspeak [n.]The grating habit of ending every sentence with a raised inflection, as if asking a question. Some valley girls become valley women.
Suggested by Aaron
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Uptitling [v.]The practice of changing an employee's job title to something impressive-sounding in place of an actual promotion.Share this term on FacebookShare this term on Twitter